Attention, Greatest Lasuites,
Dockets for the 2024/2025 academic session first (1st) semester exam (for 100-level and 200-level students, in the first instance) were delivered in all Faculties on Thurs, 27th February, 2025 in preparation for the commencement of examinations.
Examinations dockets for 300-level to 600-level students shall be delivered to the Faculties as from Friday, 28th February, 2025.
All students are therefore enjoined to note that the examination docket issued by the university is the only APPROVED DOCUMENT/PASS that admits student entry into the examination halls. Hence, any student without an examination docket would NOT be allowed entry into the examination halls.
Students are to note that the examination dockets are embedded with special security features to avoid counterfeiting of same.
The University Management wishes all students the best of luck in the forthcoming first semester examinations of the 2024/2025 academic session.
We are LASU, We are the Greatest!