The College of Medical Sciences(CMS), Unical has scheduled Monday the 24th of June, 2024 for her 54th Physicians' Oath-Taking Ceremony, (Sponsio Academica)
The Sponsio Academica is for Medical and Dental Graduands and will take place at the University's International Conference Center commencing from 10:00 am prompt.
The 54th Physicians' Oath-Taking Ceremony will feature a lecture by a renowned professor of Pediatrics and Clinical Epidemiology, Unical, Prof. Martin Madu Meremikwu on the topic: "Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM): Toolkit for Life-Long Learning".
The release also indicates that the Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar Prof. Florence Obi will grace the event as Chairman/Chief Host while the Provost of the College of Medical Sciences, Prof. Ngim E. Ngim is the Host.
Members of the University Community and the General Public are by this promo invited to attend the event.